The challenges of implementing FAIR principles extend beyond technical and metadata issues and includes the human/social aspects of professional practice, professional identity and agency, or the actions humans take in response to changes in their situation and context. This project will use social science approaches to make hidden social and cultural challenges and barriers to data sharing visible.

This project will enable the co-design of evidence-based interventions tailored for the respective research community’s needs and pilot a FAIR Data Accelerator, (adapting the approach used in the tech startup sector). The Accelerator will focus on initiatives that will remove barriers to cross-discipline data sharing and/or cultural incentives for data sharing. By increaseing our knowledge and understanding of social and cultural barriers that affect the implementation of the FAIR principles will enable us to find new ways to make data sharing more accessible to researchers.

These insights will inform development of new training, community engagement & career development activities supporting existing and new DRI services e.g UK SKA Regional Centre.

Find out more

Webinar: This UK SKA Regional Centre project (funded by DSIT) is exploring and addressing social and cultural barriers to data sharing in research communities. The challenges of implementing FAIR principles extend beyond technical and metadata issues and includes the human/social aspects of professional practice, professional identity and agency, or the actions humans take in response to changes in their situation and context.
Join our webinar on 29 April 10am: *Learn about what insights have arising from ethnographic studies to understand data sharing challenges and barriers across UK Digital Research infrastructure landscape *Explore whether these challenges reflect your experiences and values *Find out how you could address these challenges in your research community or Digital research infrastructure
*Find out how you could participate in the FAIR Data Accelerator to develop professional development, training or community engagement activities
Register online

Project Team

Dr Louise Chisholm, Prof Allison Littlejohn(UCL Knowledge Lab), (Dr Eileen Kennedy)[] (UCL Knowledge Lab), Dr Francisco Duran Del Fierro (UCL Knowledge Lab)


This project is funded as part of the DSIT/UKRI Research Data Cloud Pilot Commission to Digital Research Investment Committee (DRIC)